What is Clerks Week and why you should celebrate!

Clerks are one of the most under recognized professionals, typically staffed by humble civil servants that are too busy keeping everyone organized to stop and explain how they do it. And when asked that dreaded question "What does a Clerk do?", they tend to shy away and say things like “create agendas, take minutes, or work with Council Members” instead of answering truthfully with the impressive list of duties they do behind the scenes. So how will the world know just how amazing clerks are? Simple answer, you can celebrate IIMC’s Clerks Week and proudly promote being a clerk.  

Clerks Week celebrates the clerk profession internationally and provides you the unique opportunity to promote yourself, your department and your staff. It might go against the very nature of your being to brag about yourselves, but it is important that people understand what clerks do and why they are an important part of the organization (especially during budget time when you need new software or must justify an increase in your training line item).   To help you with that foreign feeling of self‐promotion the AMCA Communications Committee, in collaboration with the Membership/Mentoring Committee, has created a Clerks Week Promotional Packet with ideas of how you can celebrate and promote the clerks profession at your municipality!


56th Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week
May 4 - 10, 2025


The Clerk’s Week Promotional Packet includes:  

Other Promotional ideas:   
  • Host a celebration party – invite coworkers or open it to the public, but definitely serve food or fancy cupcakes to show it’s a celebration!
  • Invite the public to tour the Clerk’s Office and ask questions so they can get to you know you and what your department does.  
  • Create a public “Brag Board to display of how many public records request were completed, how many meetings were attended, contracts processed, etc.
  • Color pages for children.
  • Social Media Promotional Campaign.
The goal is to engender respect and understanding of what clerks do and to highlight their accomplishments for not only the public and organization to acknowledge, but also to remind clerks that they are awesome!
Please contact the Communications Committee Chair Marcella Sarmiento at msarmiento@avondaleaz.gov or Committee Co-Chair Judy Martinez at Judy.Martinez2@GilbertAZ.gov with questions or ideas regarding Clerks Week!